Annual Compliance - Private Limited Company (PVT)

- We provide the most convenient way to take care of your Company's annual compliances.

₹   13,999/-  For best offers

(Inclusive of all taxes)

Includes professional fees + ROC fee + postal charges

Annual compliances of a Private Limited Company (PVT) are overwhelming.

It is very easy to miss due dates which leads to paying of hefty fines, starting from Rs 100 / Day to upto Rs 1 lakh and even more. In some cases regularly missing an annual compliance can even leads to blacklisting of both Company and its directors.

Annual returns & minutes

Fulfil mandatory compliance

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 I agree with terms of using this service.

Services we provide

  • Appointment of Auditor (within 30 days of Incorporation).

  • ROC filing

  • Annual returns filing.

  • Statutory Audit.

  • Auditor's report preparation.

  • Financial statements preparation.

  • Recording & preparing minutes for annual general meeting (AGM).

  • Recording & preparing minutes for board meetings.

  • Preparing of reports of directors.

  • Preparing & Filing Income tax returns.

  • Company's Maintenance of records.

  • Other mandatory compliances.

Lawyer24x - Fee

Includes professional fees + ROC fee + postal charges

  • Rs 13,999/- (One time inclusive of everything)

  • Note: The above charges does not include any late fee or ROC fine.

Facts :

As per The Companies Act 2013, every company shall hold a minimum of 4 board meetings each year and the gap between two consecutive board meetings should not be more than 120 days.

The first Annual General Meeting of the company must be held within 18 months from the date of incorporation of Company.

Even a Company that has no activity is required to conduct a annual general meeting.

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